Sunday, May 27, 2001

i agree, angel needs our support but she won't keep the pact. she won't feel like doing something just b/c she is depressed. she may not take part in the activities. we need total participation, and we may not get that from her.

Saturday, May 05, 2001

angel will bring us all down. she is facing too much right now. she won't be able to keep the pact. if one person is down, all of us are down. this is a group thing, and we can't have a member who won't be able to do all these things.

Friday, May 04, 2001

i want to extend the offer to angel too but....i don't think she'll be able to be as motivated. i know it might help her, but she won't keep her end of the bargain. she'll get depressed again and then we can't do anything. i hate to say it, but she'll ruin it. pleez take no offense.

Thursday, May 03, 2001

her is the list in parts:
Things to do before we die....
1.Read War & Peace
2.Eat Beef-a-roni for a week, and nothing else
3.Go rollerskating in Paris, France
4.Wear a bikini to the beach
5.Eat a stick of butter and not worry about the calories
6.Earn and honorary degree
7.Win a nobel Prize
8.Live in a cave for a month
9.Speak Chinese
10.Go skydiving
11.Wear all black
12.Own a Van Gogh, and O’Keeffe, a Monet, a Kandinsky, and a Cassatt
13.Have a sayonce
14.See the Great Wall of China
15.Go to the rainforest
16.Find the Giving Tree
17.Make an escape by crawling through a ceiling vent
18.Come back to Samuel Morse Middle School in 20 years
19.Buy something from Abercrombie
20.Go to Fiji
21.Own a yacht
22.Put out a fire
24.Try ecstasy
25.Write a New YorkTimes bestseller
26.Give $1,000,000 to charity
27.Go skinny dipping
28.Get dumped and get over it
29.Smash a window with our hands
30.See the Redwoods
31.Go trick-or-treating when we’re 50 years old
32.Go scuba diving
33.Host Saturday Night Live
34.Give up chocolate for a week
35.Make lemonade from actual lemons
36.Go bow hunting
37.Win a bike race
38.Meet our favorite bands
39.Be in a movie
40.Hitch hike

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